Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Something unexpected done by hackers to a luxury hotel in Austria to make his administration pay them against her will

Today's technology has become omnipresent, of course, the Arab countries is still far something about what we have reached the Western countries in this area, which has become dependent on technology in many things, including homes, hotels and others. But the adoption of the technology means that there are challenges for companies even people, notably the security side, which today is a stone angles in every new technology put on the market .omthal on this story hotel in Austria who created the event these last days and how he became at the mercy of hackers
One of the best hotels in Europe, which is located in Austria was responsible for it admitted they had to pay in the currency of thousands Alpetkoan ransom for a group of hackers who managed to penetrate the hotel's electronic key system, securing hundreds of guests from their rooms until they were paid the money
This hotel is a luxurious 4-star hotel is located on the beautiful shores of Lake of the Alps, which features a modern technological system, which include smart cards to open and close the doors. Which made a group of hackers to penetrate the hotel and they have the key to encrypt these cards, which led to the closure of all the doors in the face of the guests, not Asttawa entering or leaving their rooms. The hacker is asked to pay a ransom in order to restore order and estimated the ransom 1,500 euros (1272 pounds) and pay in a currency Alpetkoan.
Hotel management director, said he has been imprisoned more than 180 guests and hotel guests on that day, it was not in front of the hotel management, but one solution, a pay-off hackers. It is what actually happened.