Sunday, January 29, 2017

The proliferation of video phone design iPhone 8 shows a very creative idea might be adopted by Apple

With the approaching release of her iPhone 8, focuses giant US phone industry to make the next phone in the level of anticipation fans and Mtaatbaaha, not in terms of hardware or software, they do not even overall shape of the new phone, design of this series of phones and some creative ideas adopted has always been a feature that the most prominent, which made it a very strong competitor to the South Korean giant Samsung.Deliberated on a range of sites and users new video can be considered as an act of simulations of some of the rumors and leaks tribal design iPhone 8 Next this year, through which show a very creative idea of ​​the video is designed which can be adopted by Apple already, according to some analyzes of foreign news sites as a mashable.It comes Palmsamm Iskander Utebayev who made the rumors and leaks fact groups through its design, with the addition of creative touch by making the camera in the center of the company's logo of apple in the form of a beautiful template can not be discerned quickly, the video below shows it

According to the same analysis, Providing new masterpiece Apple will coincide with the celebration of the anniversary of the phones in the iPhone later this year, something that does not rule out the exploitation of its logo to incorporate it with her new eye.