A few days before it was to penetrate the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, and no announcement was made only recently which raises several questions.
Some reports have recently emerged this week indicate that the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) have been infiltrated by hackers stole names of entry (usernames) scientists and their secret words, which have been hacking their accounts.
According to the newspaper The Register, the hackers targeted portal used by hosting researchers from ANSTO systems, as well as third parties have not been addressed in the report, where he received hackers on user names, email addresses, and passwords.
This was sent an e-mail to users of the portal indicate a breakthrough, without any mention of how they got out of penetration, and the message advises users change their passwords.
E-mail is also noteworthy that the immediate action taken to address and identify gaps and there are security review is currently, without any mention of the reason It takes a lot of time to inform everyone of this serious situation, because a lot of researchers and portal users are using the same email on different locations and platforms, and there is a great possibility in some people used the same password.
It should be noted that the database that have been compromised is in isolation from the nuclear reactor, which is also located in the same building ANSTO's research.