Earlier, Google launched a new update for the Google Chrome browser, Android version, which has brought a range of benefits, which won the desirability of the user as a property and save pages to read later without Internet access.
Google indicated it will launch a set of updates to the beta version 57 of the private system, the Android browser, which will come this time, the advantage of adding "certain" websites as applications on your phone or to transfer the application on your phone screen with a list of applications shortcut, two launched the same property before but the shortcuts did not not as a standalone application appears on the main screen in addition to not lend themselves to the entire system.
In the same announcement on her official website, Google pointed out that some of the sites and web applications could be added to the main screen along with the rest of other applications, which will be very compatible, independent and can get notifications from the site, as it will appear in the system settings completely standalone application and, more year will not pose any problem in the system and caused the first version was launched two years ago that, as Google commented, saying it will be a new experience for developers and add to the quality of the experience of the browser.