Google issued Hatveeha Pixel and Pixel XL last year, where the norm great success and they were the first of the new phones come the assistant personal Google Google Assistant, where artificial intelligence assistant work on them and some of the other products exclusively to Google without enabling the rest of the other companies and phones from its use.
As we pointed out last week in the news stop Google to Share Google now it was expected that Google Launches Google Assistant independently in her shop to replace Allanscher laid it up, but it seems that Google has integrated artificial intelligence hers in one of its applications already, where it can be run on the rest of phones but now it advised not to run it.
In a report to the site Android Police specialist clear that it can actually be Assistant running on a mobile Nexus 6P via the Google app alpha version application of a test version very early but it shows the next updates expected from Google, where it will be possible to run artificial intelligence from Google in the rest of the phone is Pixel and Pixel XL only by pressing the Home button (home button) as is the case for the application of Google now.
It is noteworthy that the beta version as usual carry many errors and problems the one who does not often advised to activate it now and wait until the Google solemn declaration as expected, unless Google had its other plans, this version only for experimental purposes.