With the growing threat posed by ransomware programs or what is known as Ransomwares, it issued a cyber security company Avast three decoding new encryption tools to help more victims, bringing the number of anti-ransom available from Avast software tools now reached a total of 14 tool.
In a post signed by Jakub Kroustek (who specializes in reverse analyst malicious software company Avast Engineering) it has been noted that in the past year has been the discovery of more than 200 new strain of ransomware programs, but the entry says that hundreds of millions of users of Avast and AVG were protected from these scattered threats.
Decoding the three new encryption tools is interested in three different strains of the ransom HiddenTear programs, Jigsaw, and Stampado / Philadelphia.
Some of the solutions to these strains are already available by security researchers from other companies. But Avast has allocated three new tools because these three strains are active dramatically, and users faced often, especially in the past few months.
The new tools are able, for example, to shorten a lot of time in the decoding, more precisely the process of brute-force password, which will decode some of the variables HiddenTear within minutes instead of days.
It also is to achieve the best results when you decrypt files directly from the infected machine.
And are often updated encryption keys used by the malware to do so, the decryption provided by the party software Avast or security researchers in other companies that occur periodically
You can see the new tools of Avast or downloaded from here