Google began to export notices and warnings for developers from all over the world, should be learning from the reserve and placed the limits of vision. "
limit visibility "on their applications or delete applications completely from the store. It seems that Google is targeting applications that violate the user data of company policy.
Google asks developers put valid and clear privacy policy to their applications requesting or dealing with sensitive data to the user or device.
The requests from the developers put Google in favor of a link to a privacy policy on the store or jump on this demand simply by deleting any requests of the powers or sensitive data from their applications. In this way, Google wants to get rid of thousands or millions of applications that do not adhere to the privacy policy for the Google Play store.
Google also has developed a deadline for developers to either put Privacy policy link or delete sensitive data from their applications requests, which identified in 15 of March of this year, he indicated that it may be broad limits to the appearance of the application on the store or may be definitively him to delete the application .